Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween From Science Class

Today in Science we dissected owl pellets. We used them to discuss the owl's food web. Students found skulls of rodents and birds, plus other interesting bones.

A Spooky Witch with a skull in her pellet.

The Joker had a skull too!

Friday, October 13, 2017

September and October Updates

Wow the first month of school flew by! Here are some updates from Room #220.

In September, we had a visit from Hannah Schauer, a wildlife biologist from the DNR. She spoke about Black Bears in Michigan.

 In ELA we are participating in the Global Read Aloud- A Long Walk to Water. One of our characters carries water to her family up to 16 hours per day in Southern Sudan. As a prereading activity we carried a 5 gallon bucket 1/2 full of water back and forth across the mud pit for only about 5 minutes. Wow- what a work out!

 In Science we learned about Balance in the Ecosystem playing a game where only the strong survived. Did you?

 Today to finish our section on Symbiotic Relationships, we played a Mutualism, Commensalism and Parasitism Challenge. Here are winners from each class.